Transparency is important to us; our work should be comprehensible to the public as well as to donors. We have therefore joined the Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft ITZ and committed to making the following information available on our website.
1. Name, registered office, address, year of foundation
Name: Zusammen für Ghana e.V.
Seat and address: Schnabelstr. 51, 30459 Hannover
Founding year: 2020
Contact: Hannah Janßen, Aaron Hampe, Marc Meyerhoff
2. Complete statutes as well as information on the objectives of our organization
The complete articles of association can be viewed here.
Our goal is to build and maintain a school for about 200 children in Hobor/Ghana. For this purpose, we are working closely with our Ghanaian partner association "Kinder Zentrum International". The project is located about two hours northwest of the capital Accra in the village Hobor. Children in this area have no school to attend. As soon as we have the financial means, we want to equip the school and the village with clean water and provide a hot lunch for the children. The project is financed by donations and membership fees. As soon as the operation of the school can be started, we will arrange sponsorships for children.
More about our mission statement and about the association.
3. Information about the tax benefit
With the notice of the tax office Hannover-Nord of 11.09.2020 the compliance with the statutory requirements according to §§ 51, 59, 60 and 61 AO was determined. The association is therefore entitled to issue donation receipts for donations and membership fees. The tax number of the corporation "Zusammen für Ghana e.V." is 25/207/22899.
4. Name and function of the key decision-makers
According to the statutes of the association, the organs of the association are the board of directors and the general meeting. At the end of March 2021, the association had 25 members.
The members of the Board of Management are:
- Hannah Janßen (1. chairwoman)
- Aaron Hampe (2. chairman)
- Kathleen Janßen (Treasurer)
5. Activity Report
We report in detail on the activities of the association on our website, in particular under latest news and school construction as well as in the current annual report 2021.
6. Personalstruktur
Alle Mitarbeiter*innen des Vereins Zusammen für Ghana e.V. sind ehrenamtlich und somit unentgeltlich tätig.
7. Angaben zur Mittelherkunft
Die Angaben zur Mittelherkunft können in unserem aktuellen Jahresbericht 2021 eingesehen werden.
8. Angaben zur Mittelverwendung
Die Angaben zur Mittelverwendung können ebenfalls in unserem aktuellen Jahresbericht 2021 eingesehen werden.
9. Gesellschaftsrechtliche Verbundenheit mit Dritten
Der Satzungszweck wird gemäß der Satzung verwirklicht durch die Beschaffung von Mitteln für unseren Partnerverein „KINDER ZENTRUM INTERNATIONAL“. Unsere Satzung kann hier eingesehen werden. Die Satzung von Kinder Zentrum International kann hier eingesehen werden.
10. Zahlungen, die mehr als 10% des Jahresbudgets ausmachen
Im Jahr 2021 gab es eine Einzelspende der Bernhard und Liesel Albers Stiftung gGmbH in Höhe von 4.000€, die über 10% der gesamten Jahreseinnahmen ausmachte.